Sounds great! I've wondered and don't know if I've asked: are you playing the guitar and then bringing it into FL, or making it all manually? It's very smooth either way.
Sounds great! I've wondered and don't know if I've asked: are you playing the guitar and then bringing it into FL, or making it all manually? It's very smooth either way.
Thanks. I usually compose this kind of tracks on guitar, then I make the drums, bass and synth parts from scratch on FL, and export them as separate audio tracks. I use the tracks to record the guitars on ACID, add the needed plugins, mix and master there.
If my computer wasn't a toaster I would probably record the guitars straight into FL.
Welcome to the site! When you're feeling better, consider submitting a few demos. If you're interested in voice acting, definitely stop by the Voice Acting Forum!
Thank you ^^ will do!
Nice range of character voices mate, it made for a good demo reel. Normally I'd look for more submissions before scouting, but VA's have a hard enough time being found in general let alone the unscouted section so I bend the rules. Welcome to Newgrounds!
Thank you so much for the feedback, I've been trying to improve my variety so I really appreciate the compliment. Ollytobblez
ABFH Judge Review/Comment:
I have to be honest, I didn't think metal would work well with the source material but I was shown otherwise. The guitar and drums were on point, and I liked how you used the vocal stem. This was also one of the longer submissions for the contest, which makes me happy. I like when people are able to expand on the source material's length to make it more of their own.
I did find that the vocals got a little drowned out after the 5:00 mark, but I did like how they closed off the track by the 5:41 mark.
Great work, and good luck in the contest!
It's interesting how you dug it being longer because I was afraid I was making it too long! Haha. I'm glad you welcomed the metal into your heart. Thank you for the review and your judgment.
ABFH Judge Review/Comment:
Heyhey. Seems a few others mentioned the sound level as well. I ended up playing it at 4% volume. The giggle was interesting, but I didn't feel the blade sound fit in with the rest of the track and was a bit distracting.
Overall, the dance aspect was nice. You have a nice throbbing beat to it, I might suggest changing the levels to increase the bass a bit more. It was consistently good throughout, and kept itself within the bounds of the source material. I liked what you did with the vocal stem, chopping it up a bit (added to the creepier effects) was a nice unifying factor which made me at my words a bit for disliking some of the creepy bits.
Have a great week!
thanks alot ^^
ABFH Judge Review/Comment:
I liked reading through your comments while listening to this, it gave some nice perspective of what the music meant to you. So many people get wrapped up in detail that they forget why they were on the path to begin with. I'm glad you got to take part in this contest!
Also, you mentioned that this took you out of your comfort zone. If you see some of my comments on other entries in the contest, there's a recurring theme I keep touching on: good. It's wonderful that something gave you that little push to move you into new space. You rightly mention that heroes work beyond their comfort zone, but you also demonstrate the practicality of not plunging too far away from the known.
I'm glad you've taken this chance to (join NG) work on something close to the heart. I hope you are able to find the time over the next year to continue making music, if even just for yourself. Always hold on to that feeling which sent you down the path. That's where home is.
It's all about perspective. I actually had a write-up that was about twice as long made for this post, but I didn't factor in the character limit so I lost a great deal of it. It was more of a short story than a blurb, and I talked about how this song represented kind of a "hero's walk" for me, returning to the things that made me feel better back when I was growing up, now with a different perspective.
Safety is overrated, but it's also all too often taken for granted. Striking a balance between exploration and conservation is important to keep yourself on track for the things that you actually want to accomplish. You need to walk before you can run.
My inspirations in music were Phyrnna and DJ Babokon. I've been around Newgrounds, lurking, for years, but it's always been an ancestral ground to me. This is where those who came before me blazed the trail. Coming back and actually joining the site is weird, but homes evolve. Maybe, eventually, this will become one of mine.
Glad to hear you got the recording issue sorted out. Funny commercial, with enough puns and innuendo without being forced. Overall, great quality audio.
Thank you my friend!
Sounds good, man. I really like the contrast between the higher electronic and deep guitar. I don't really have any critique to toss in like I normally would. I keep thinking this reminds me of something, but I can't figure out what...
Thanks. Glad you mentioned the contrast between electronic sounds and guitar, I tried something different and sent the guitars a bit down on the mix, I wasn't sure if I did it right or overdid it. This track (and others to come) are partly inspired on PS2 Castlevania games music ; Maybe that's what it reminds you of ?
Pretty funny. Overall the audio quality was alright, but it seemed like the mic was competing for the background audio. I might suggest recording the vocals in one go, and then adding the music as a second layer and lower volume so it's there but not competing.
Oh, you think so? I thought the music was at a sufficiently audible volume that still couldn't drown out the voicelines. I even tried to pace the voicelines during the lower notes of the song... but okay, I'll try to add the background sounds separately from now on.
I want buns of steel but also buns of cinnamon.
Age 37
Joined on 11/9/05